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Join the MDI family!
Millions of people rely on MDI's clients for essential services like food, housing, education and medical care. You can make this possible with:
Your Prayers
Will you add MDI to your prayer list, as we’re experiencing unprecedented growth and desire to stay in lock-step with God’s leading?
Your Influence
Has the Lord brought to mind a potential Mentor recommendation, a church partnership opportunity or a ministry leader in your life? Will you connect us at:
Your Gifts
Every gift counts. God can take our “yes” and make miracles happen. Will you join us in investing in ministry leaders and watch God multiply that impact across thousands of lives?
Mail Gifts to: 326 21st Avenue North, Suite 203, Nashville, TN 37203
Have you experienced an unexpected blessing this year? Maybe you sold a house, experienced a boom in your business, or received an inheritance. If you’ve been praying about where the Lord might want to invest those funds, your investment in MDI can influence generations to come. For more info:
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